Moments With The Book
publishing company
When I decided to pursue graphic design, I didn't know all of the details. The only thing I knew for sure was that the Lord placed a desire in my heart to be able to carry on a Christian publishing ministry that has been in my family since the 1950s.
My great-grandfather was a traveling preacher and he began printing Gospel literature on a printing press in the basement of his home. Over the years, the ministry has continued to grow as people use the materials we design and print to share God's Good News. In fact, we've sent out over 14 million tracts, cards, and booklets over the last year alone and have heard countless stories of how the Lord has used these materials to save souls and to strengthen believers.
As I'm sure you can imagine, the process of designing and printing Gospel tracts has completely changed over the years. My great-grandfather worked with hand-set type, my grandfather apprenticed to learn how to use the linotype machine, my dad went to school to learn desktop publishing, and now I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design and the opportunity to continue to fulfill the ministry's mission of spreading the Gospel to the world through the printed page.
Moments For You
Moments For You is the feature publication of Moments with the book, with over 85,000 copies printed quarterly.